Hamilton Academy

Hamilton Acedemy

Reception - Home Learning Ideas

Weekly Home Learning Tasks


Each week we'll be setting some weekly activities children could complete at home. Click the links below to download them.


Please see the ParentMail from Mr Nunn with details on how to join our daily live sessions!


Week beginning Monday 1st March

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 8

Reception Resources (Literacy, Phonics, Maths, World Book Day) - Week 7


Week beginning Monday 22nd February

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 7

Reception Resources (Literacy, Phonics, Maths, Topic) - Week 7


Week beginning Monday 8th February

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 6

Reception Literacy Resources - Week 6

Reception Maths Resources - Week 6

Reception Phonics Resources - Week 6

Reception Phonics Powerpoint - Week 6

Reception Topic Resources - Week 6

Reception Safer Internet Day Resources


Week beginning Monday 1st February

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 5

Reception Resources (No Screen Day, Literacy, Phonics, Maths) - Week 5

Reception Phonics Powerpoint           'x' Phonics Homework Sheet


Week beginning Monday 25th January

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 4

Reception Literacy Resources (and slides for L2, 3 and 4) - Week 4

Reception Maths Resources - Week 4

Reception Phonics Resources - Week 4

Reception Topic Resources - Week 4


Week beginning Monday 18th January

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 3

Reception Literacy Resources - Week 3

Reception Maths Resources - Week 3

Reception Phonics Resources - Week 3

Reception Topic Resources - Week 3


Week beginning Monday 11th January

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 2

Reception Literacy Resources - Week 2

Reception Maths Resources - Week 2

Reception Phonics Resources - Week 2

Reception Topic Resources - Week 2

Maths Powerpoint - Week 2

Phonics Powerpoint - Week 2

Kipper's Snowy Day Powerpoint - Week 2


Week beginning Monday 4th January

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 1

Reception Home Learning Resources - Week 1

Reception Maths Resources - Week 1

Maths Powerpoint - Week 1

Phonics Powerpoint - Week 2


December Home Learning (14.12 - 18.12)

Reception Home Learning Pack - December

Reception Phonics Resources - December

Reception Maths Resources - December

Reception Literacy Resources - December


November Home Learning (05.11 - 16.11)

*New! Reception Home Learning Pack - November Week 2

Reception Home Learning Pack - November Week 1

Suggested Daily Timetable

Little Red Riding Hood Literacy Activities

Story     Word Mat      Sequencing      Red Riding Hood's Basket     Wanted Poster
*New! Week 2 Resources    *New! Read the Story    *New! Recipe Card

Fine Motor Skills Activities

Indoor/Outdoor Games

*New! Light and Dark Powerpoint

*New! Light and Dark Activity

*New! Hand Shadow Ideas

*New! Light and Dark Matching Activity



Past Home Learning Packs (2019-2020)


Week beginning Monday 13th July

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 12

Reception Literacy Resources - Week 12

Reception Maths Resources - Week 12

Reception End of Term Activity Pack

Summer Hunt Checklist


Week beginning Monday 6th July

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 11

Getting Ready for Year 1 - Parent Information

Reception Maths Resources - Week 11

Reception Literacy Resources - Week 11


Week beginning Monday 29th June

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 10

Maths Activity - How much money in the jar?

Activities on Handa's Surprise:

What's in the basket?

Handa letter writing

Independent writing task

Role play masks

Handa's Surprise Song


Week beginning Monday 22nd June

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 9

Handa's Surprise - Week 9


Week beginning Monday 18th May

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 5

Reception English Resources - Week 5

Reception Story 'Whatever Next' - Week 5

Reception Maths Resources - Week 5

Reception Phonics Resources - Week 5

Reception Phonics Speed Sounds Powerpoint - Week 5

Reception Topic Resources - Week 5


Week beginning Monday 11th May

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 4

Reception English Resources - Week 4

Reception Maths Resources - Week 4

Phonics Lesson with Miss Thompson on YouTube - Week 4


Week beginning Monday 4th May

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 3

Reception English Resources - Week 3

Reception Maths Resources - Week 3

Peace at Last Maths Problems Powerpoint - Week 3

Night Time Writing Templates - Week 3

Day and Night Sorting Powerpoint - Week 3

Sandwich Recipe Template - Week 3


Week beginning Monday 27th April

Reception Suggested Timetable - Week 2

Reception Home Learning Pack - Week 2

Reception English Resources - Week 2

Reception Little Red Riding Hood Story Powerpoint - Week 2

Reception Little Red Riding Hood Activity - Week 2

Reception Maths Resources - Week 2

Reception Phonics Resources - Week 2

Reception Phonics Speed Sounds Powerpoint - Week 2


Week beginning Monday 20th April

Reception Suggested Timetable - Week 1

Reception English Activities - Week 1

Reception English Resources - Week 1

Reception Maths Activities - Week 1

Reception Topic Activities - Week 1



Click here to download a pack of activities you could work through with your child.

Click here to download a pack of practical activities you could carry out at home.

Download another great activity book to print and complete at home:
TTS Early Years Home Activity Booklet
The teachers are keen to see any work you have produced. Please scan or photograph it, or save it and send it in to  reception@hamiltonacademy.org.uk  - not before Monday 23 March!

Below you will find a list of other suggested activities for Reading, Writing, Maths and Topic from your child's class teacher.